200ml Flame Humidifier Aromatic Essential Oil Electric Ultrasonic Diffuser
Flame Humidifier Diffuser
The 200ML Flame Humidifier Aromatic Essential Oil Diffuser Electric Ultrasonic Air Fragrance Machine Atmosphere Lamp is a household device that can humidify, diffuse essential oils, and provide atmosphere lighting.
It has a water shortage power-off protection feature, which prevents the device from operating when it runs out of water. The device is operated by a keyboard-type method, producing less than 30 dB of noise.
The device has a mist output of 50 gallons/day and a mist outlet quantity of one. It has a humidifying capacity of ≤380ml/h and uses a mist discharge method. The device has a capacity of 150-200ml and is classified as a humidification product. It is certified with CE and ROHS.
The 200ml Flame Humidifier Aromatic Essential Oil Diffuser is an electric, ultrasonic air fragrance machine with an atmosphere lamp suitable for household use in bedrooms and living rooms. It is square and is available in gray and white colors. The product is equipped with a resin shell process and simulating flame technology that can be directly contacted.
Key Features:
- Water tank capacity: 150-200ml
- Applicable area: 30-40 square meters
- Functions: aromatherapy, humidification, atmosphere lamp (blue, imitation fire red)
- Number of fog outlets: 1
- Operation mode: mechanical/button type
- Power supply mode: USB/Type-C
- Water shortage and power failure protection: support
- Noise level: 30dB
- Rated voltage: 5V
- Rated power: 10W
- Current: 2A
Technical Specifications:
- Shape: Cubic
- Material: Plastic
- Flame: simulating flame, which can be directly contacted
- No timing function
- Built-in automatic water-free detection protection device to prevent combustion of water-free air
- The built-in fan produces about 40 decibels when the product spray works
Benefits and Use Cases:
- Provides aromatherapy, humidification, and atmosphere lamp functions for household use
- Simulating flame technology adds to the ambiance and can be directly contacted
- Water shortage and power failure protection prevent the combustion of water-free air
- Easy to operate with mechanical/button type and power supply mode USB/Type-C
Additional Information:
- The product comes with accompanying instructions that should be referred to for details.
- The buzzer emits a prompt sound when the product is powered on, switched, and manually shut down.
- The spray button controls the spray, and the red flame functions
- The light button controls the red flame, blue flame, and lamp functions
- The lamp can be turned on and off separately from the spray function
- The fan works for 5s after the fog stops
Electric Ultrasonic Humidifier Diffuser
The device is powered by a USB/Type-C power supply with a rated voltage of 5V and a rated power of 10W. The product is designed to cover an area of 30-40 square meters, and it has the shape of a commercial square. The device has two color options, gray and white, and the shell process is made of resin material.
The air fragrance machine function allows you to use the device with fragrance oils or other scented liquids, which can help mask unpleasant odors in your home or workspace. The device can be used as an atmosphere lamp, providing a soft and calming light to help you unwind and relax.
The device has a mechanical/button operation mode and does not have a timing function. It has a built-in automatic water-free detection and protection device to prevent the combustion of water-free air. The device has a flame simulation feature, which can be directly contacted, and it comes with an instruction manual for proper usage.
The 200ml Flame Humidifier, Aromatic Essential Oil Diffuser, Electric Ultrasonic Air Fragrance Machine, and Atmosphere Lamp are versatile devices that can improve the overall ambiance of any space.
It can be used in bedrooms, living rooms, offices, or any other area where you want to create a calming and relaxing atmosphere. It also makes for an excellent gift for friends and family who enjoy aromatherapy or wish to enhance the ambiance of their living space.
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