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Single Oil Diffuser Automatic Induction Aromatherapy Machine for 15ml Essential Oils

Bežná cena $43.95
Zľavnená cena $43.95 Bežná cena
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Electric Oil Diffuser

The Mini Pure Oil Diffuser Aromatherapy Machine Automatic Induction Portable Cute Aromatizador Difusor 10ml USB is a small and portable aromatherapy machine used in rooms up to 30 square meters.

It is made of PP and has a 10ml water tank capacity. The product operates on a built-in battery and is charged using a USB cable. The machine has a sensing range of 3 meters and 120 degrees.

The product can be used with various essential oils, including lemon, sweet orange, grapefruit, bergamot, wild orange, lavender, eucalyptus, rosemary, bitter orange leaves, and citrus fresh. However, it cannot be used with resin essential oils such as cedar, frankincense, and myrrh or viscous essential oils such as coconut oil, base oil, vanilla, or sandalwood. Mixed essential oils should also not contain these oils.

essential oil diffuser


  • The Mini Pure Oil Diffuser Aromatherapy Machine is an automatic induction portable diffuser that operates on USB charging.
  • This product is designed to use pure essential oils only and not chemical perfumes or viscous pure essential oils.
  • The commodity attributes of this product are aromatherapy, mute, and automatic sprayer.

Key Features:

  • Microhole atomization for fine atomization of essential oils.
  • Intelligent induction and artificial fragrance enhancement for automatic fragrance expansion.
  • Four-gear spray, low voice operation, and ultra-long endurance.
  • Portable and easy to carry.
  • Automatic shutdown after 2 hours of operation.
  • No need to add water.

Technical Specification:

  • Power supply mode: charging
  • Applicable area: less than 30 m2
  • Shape: round
  • Water tank capacity: 10ml
  • Operation mode: portable
  • Number of fog outlets: 1
  • Color: white
  • Product specification: AM909 bubble fragrance machine
  • Material: PP
  • Style: Mini
  • Duration: 3-6h
  • Type: fogged
  • Built-in battery or not: Built-in battery
  • Sensing range: 3m/120 degrees
  • Aromatherapy range: 30 square meters
  • Accessories: instruction manual, charging cable
  • Charging line battery: 3.7V,800mAh

Benefits and Use Cases:

  • Fuel saving and rapid fragrance expansion, suitable for significant area use.
  • Evenly spread fragrance in the whole room.
  • Micro-porous atomization ensures good atomization and rapid fragrance expansion.
  • The intelligent sensor can sense within 3 meters at a 120-degree angle, and the diffuser will automatically add fragrance.
  • No need to add water and it operates quietly.
  • Small and portable, easy to carry.
  • Ideal for use in the bedroom or office.

Additional Information:

  • The product operates in four different modes, each with a distinct interval of operation.
  • Depending on the operating mode, the diffuser can consume different amounts of essential oils.
  • Cleaning and maintenance of the product are required at least twice a week, including cleaning the atomizing tablets with cotton swabs and alcohol.

electric oil diffuser

Single Oil Aroma Diffuser With Automatic Induction

The Mini Pure Oil Diffuser Aromatherapy Machine has four gears for spray and has micro-hole atomization, intelligent induction, and artificial fragrance enhancement. It has fine atomization and operates with low noise.

The machine has an ultra-long endurance feature, automatic fragrance expansion, and automatic shutdown. It also has water shortage and power failure protection.

The cover should be removed, and the essential oil bottle should be inserted and tightened clockwise to use the product. The machine should be turned vertically, and the switch button should be pressed to start or stop the aromatherapy machine.

The gear can be selected by pressing the switch button; the first gear is used for induction mode. The machine automatically shuts down after 2 hours of operation.

The product can be cleaned and maintained by cleaning the atomizing tablets with cotton swabs and alcohol at least twice a week. They should also be cleaned every time a bottle of essential oil is used up.

The machine should be turned off and unplugged before cleaning, and the essential oil bottle should be removed and emptied. Vinegar and water can be used for cleaning, and the atomizing tablets can be cleaned quickly using medical alcohol.

The Mini Pure Oil Diffuser Aromatherapy Machine is a portable and convenient aromatherapy device. It is easy to use and maintain and can be used with various essential oils, making it suitable for home, office, or travel use.

aroma oil diffuser

electric aroma oil diffuser


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Expédition Standard Incense Soul


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Expédition Express Incense Soul


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1, Ak váš tovar prišiel poškodený alebo chybný, kontaktujte nás do 48 hodín od prijatia objednávky. Zabezpečíme doručenie nových položiek alebo vrátenie celej platby. Poškodený tovar nemusíte vrátiť.

2, Vrátenie tovaru, ktorý ste si neobjednali (zlá veľkosť/farba/položka). V prípade, že zistíte, že tovar, ktorý ste si objednali nezodpovedá tovaru, ktorý ste dostali, máte právo nám tovar vrátiť späť do 14 dní od prevzatia. Za vrátenie takéhoto tovaru nám neplatíte manipulačný poplatok. Náklady na vrátenie tovaru znáša Predávajúci a vy od nás dostanete predplatený prepravný štítok.

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Tovar v pôvodnom, nepoškodenom stave zabaľte tak, aby sa pri preprave nepoškodil.

Ste zodpovední za zaplatenie prepravných nákladov za vrátenie zásielky. Náklady na dopravu sú nevratné.

Adresa pre vrátenie tovaru: Vodárenská 2011/38, 058 01 Poprad, Slovensko,, +421 951 587 220

Po odoslaní zásielky späť nás prosím kontaktujte na so sledovacím číslom. Ak chcete zabezpečiť vrátenie peňazí, použite službu so sledovaním zásielky; nezodpovedáme za stratené alebo chýbajúce balíky.

Po obdržaní vášho balíka budú vaše produkty skontrolované a bude spracovaná výmena alebo vrátenie peňazí. Potvrdenie o vrátení platby bude zaslané e-mailom na e-mailovú adresu, ktorú ste použili pri pôvodnom nákupe. Peňažné prostriedky vám vrátime najneskôr do 14 dní od prevzatia vráteného tovaru, obvykle však do 5 pracovných dní.

UPOZORNENIE: Tieto zásady sa nevzťahujú na nesprávne použitie, náhodné poškodenie, poškodenie vodou alebo akékoľvek zneužitie zakúpeného produktu, ktorý ste vrátili.


Existujú určité situácie, keď sa poskytujú iba čiastočné alebo žiadne refundácie:

a, Akákoľvek položka, ktorá nie je v pôvodnom stave, je poškodená alebo jej chýbajú časti z dôvodov, ktoré nie sú spôsobené našou chybou alebo chybou pri preprave.

b, Akákoľvek položka, ktorá sa vráti viac ako 60 dní po doručení.

c, Niektoré druhy tovaru sú oslobodené od vrátenia. Neakceptujeme ani produkty, ktoré sú intímnym alebo hygienickým tovarom, nebezpečnými materiálmi alebo horľavými kvapalinami či plynmi.

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Hallie Mayer

It works well.

Rozella Pouros

Very fast delivery, I still do not use it, I arrive well.

Jadon Lynch

very nice,works well

Asha Wyman

sorking very well, I'm surprised

Nakia Dietrich

Very good this diffuser, you can buy without fear. Does not use cotton stick, so it does not clog. And has the sensor that fires the fragrance always that takes movement. Really good

Náš sľub


    Štandardná doprava zdarma pre objednávky nad €70. Sledovacie čísla a poistenie pre každú objednávku.


    Aby sme sa uistili, že budete s nákupom spokojní, ponúkame 60-dňové vrátenie/výmenu po doručení všetkých produktov.


    Po-Pia: 8:00 – 16:00. Zanechajte nám prosím správu na a my sa vám ozveme.