Natural Wood Essential Oil Display Stand Holder Storage Organizer For 30 Slots 5-15ml Bottles
30 Slots Essential Oil Stand
The Natural Wood Essential Oil Display Stand Holder is a beautifully crafted organizer designed to store and showcase your collection of essential oils. With 30 slots specifically sized for 5-15ml bottles, this display stand is perfect for keeping your essential oils organized and easily accessible.
Crafted from high-quality natural wood, this display stand exudes a rustic and elegant charm that will complement any home décor. The warm tones of the wood add a touch of natural beauty to your space, while the smooth finish enhances the overall aesthetic appeal of the stand.
- Essential Oil Storage Rack
- Material: handmade pine solid wood
- Weight: about 1200g
- Size: about 29*17.5*8cm/11.42*6.89*3.15in
- 30 slots for essential oil bottles: 24 grids in the middle with about 3cm diameter can hold 15ml , 4 grids with a diameter of about 2.4cm can hold 5ml essential oil bottles, and 2 grids with a diameter of about 2.2cm can hold 10ml
- Polished, no paint, no odor, the new box will have a pure pine scent, you can use it directly, after adding the essential oil, the wood will slowly change after it absorbs the taste of the essential oil fragrant.
Wooden Essential Oil Holder
The display stand is not only stylish but also highly functional. It allows you to neatly arrange and display your essential oils, making finding the right oil for your needs easier. The 30 slots are carefully designed to securely hold each bottle in place, preventing them from rolling or tipping over.
Organizing your essential oils with this display stand is practical and helps prolong your oils' life. By keeping them stored upright and away from direct sunlight and heat, you can ensure that your essential oils remain potent and effective for longer.
Whether you are a seasoned essential oil enthusiast or just starting to build your collection, this display stand is the perfect solution for storing and organizing your oils. Its compact size and slim profile make it easy to place on a countertop, shelf, or vanity without taking up too much space.
This display stand is a practical storage solution and decorative piece that adds a touch of elegance to any room. Display your essential oils in style and turn your collection into a beautiful focal point in your home.
Overall, the Natural Wood Essential Oil Display Stand Holder is a must-have for anyone who values organization, style, and functionality. With this versatile and durable display stand, you can keep your essential oils organized, easily accessible, and beautifully displayed. Upgrade your storage solution and showcase your essential oils in a practical and visually appealing way.
Shipping & Delivery
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Az áruk visszaküldésének címe: Vodárenská 2011/38, 058 01 Poprad, Szlovákia,, +421 951 587 220
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b, Bármely tételt a kiszállítás után több mint 60 nappal visszaküldtek.
c, Egyes árutípusok mentesülnek a visszaküldés alól. Nem fogadunk el olyan termékeket sem, amelyek intim vagy higiéniai áruk, veszélyes anyagok vagy gyúlékony folyadékok vagy gázok.