Electric Wax Melts Warmer Art Glass Aromatherapy Essential Oil Burner Decorative Lamp
Electric Wax Melts Warmer
Introducing our Electric Candle Warmer Art Glass Aromatherapy Wax Melts Burner, the perfect addition to your home or office decor. This aroma burner is designed to remove unwanted smells and dehumidify the air while adding a touch of elegance to your space.
Our wax warmer burner is made of colorful glass and manually painted, making it a unique and elegant addition to any contemporary home, office, gym, spa, or studio. It also makes a wonderful gift for family and friends.
Key Features:
- Made of colorful glass and manually painted, adding a touch of elegance to any room
- Can be used with essential oils or wax tart to eliminate unpleasant odors and fill the room with relaxing scents
- Temperature stability and durability, energy-saving and environmentally friendly
- Easy and safe operation: plug in power, turn on the switch, and enjoy the pleasant and relaxing atmosphere
- Night light function can be used in various rooms such as home, office, bedroom, baby room, and living room
Technical Specification:
- Width: 14.6 cm
- Height: 17 cm
Benefits and Use Cases: The Electric Candle Warmer Art Glass Aromatherapy Wax Melts Burner offers several benefits such as:
- A decorative and elegant addition to any contemporary home, office, gym, spa, or studio
- A safe and easy way to eliminate unpleasant odors and fill the room with relaxing scents
- A convenient and energy-efficient alternative to traditional candles
- A multi-functional device that can serve as a night light and decorative lamp
Additional Information:
- The package does not include wax tarts or essential oils
- Users should follow the provided instructions to ensure safe and effective use of the device
- The device should not be placed where children or pets can easily touch it to prevent accidents
- Users should not touch the glass lid or sides until several hours after turning it off to avoid burns
- The device should not be placed on a stove or oven and should not be used for more than 24 hours continuously
- Users should check the outer surface and glass dish before usage and avoid using the device if there are any cracks or damages.
Aromatherapy Essential Oil Burner Decorative Lamp
The Electric Candle Warmer Art Glass Aromatherapy Wax Melts Burner is a hand-made glass warmer that serves as a decorative lamp, night light, and air freshener. It has a unique and elegant design that can complement any contemporary home, office, gym, spa, or studio. It comes with instructions on how to operate the device safely and effectively.
This fragrance warmer can be used with essential oils or wax tarts, allowing you to choose your favorite scents to fill your home with relaxing and aromatic fragrances. It works with wax cubes, melts, tarts, and fragrant oil, making it an energy-saving and environmentally friendly option.
The wax melter is easy and safe to operate. Plug in the power and turn on the switch, and the fragrance will soon spread all around the room, creating a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere. It also has a night light function, lighting up your home, office, bedroom, baby room, living room, and more.
Please keep the warmer out of reach of children and pets to prevent burns, and do not touch the glass lid or sides until several hours after turning it off. Check the outer surface and glass dish before usage, and do not use the product if there are any cracks or damages.
Order now and experience the benefits of our Electric Candle Warmer Art Glass Aromatherapy Wax Melts Burner for yourself! Please note that Wax Tarts and Essential Oils are omitted.
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Adresa pre vrátenie tovaru: Vodárenská 2011/38, 058 01 Poprad, Slovensko, info@incense-soul.com, +421 951 587 220
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Existujú určité situácie, keď sa poskytujú iba čiastočné alebo žiadne refundácie:
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b, Akákoľvek položka, ktorá sa vráti viac ako 60 dní po doručení.
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